Sunday, January 26, 2014

Completed E-Card

Here is my completed E-Card, I used some ideas from the Creative Effects Videos covered in Module 5. The cover of the E-card shows an Electric powered train with the text of "Switch to Electric" advertised on the side. The text used was created using a graffiti creator found online. I followed the video for "Vanishing Point" to be able to add this text to the side of the train. The girl on the Segway was added, to show, by using this type of Electric vehicle we can minimize the amount of cars and trucks on the road today. A Segway is ideal for Urban Environment's because of its small size and battery life. As the background for the middle page, I used a picture of the Electric Recharge Plug found on a Honda Fit EV (Electric Vehicle). On top of the background is a diagram which compares a normal combustion engine to that of an electric motor. The findings are astonishing as to the benefits of using Electric Energy as oppose to conventional methods. Lastly, for the back page I combined a collage of vehicles to show the variety of new and upcoming Electric vehicles. For this page I tried to incorporate a hand drawn edge/border found in video #15 from the online videos. I also experimented with the hue, and saturation of the pictures. The size of the pictures was kept at 400x300 pixels to adhere to the project requirements.
E-Card Front
E- Card Inside
E-Card Back

Sunday, January 19, 2014

For my E-Card sketch I would like to promote the use of Electric Vehicles to take the place of combustion engines found in today's vehicles. If everyone in the world made the switch to Electric the amount of pollution contributed to the atmosphere and the environment would be reduced. Not to mention the United States' dependency on foreign oil. The title of my E-card will be "Lets switch to Electric". 

Monday, January 6, 2014

After a few weeks of tinkering and playing around with Indesign and Illustrator, I finally completed my book cover and am happy with the results. My project came out as expected and as promised in my last post.